Saturday, 10 May 2014

In Beaulieu Thursday night 8th May

This time our home was in a 1700's thatched roof cottage, and I am going to share some of the photos of the house and grounds.  It is called Lilac cottage, and that is our window top left.  But no wifi connection and not even able to connect by the 3G network.

This is two workers cottages joined together

A pheasant 

And his hen

The thatch is in mesh

We found a new friend, Polly who insisted that ball throwing was her domain.  

Dinner that night was in the village just up the road, at the Montagu Arms Hotel, in Montey's Restaurant.

Beaulieu is in The New Forest, in Hampshire.  It is a very pretty area, and the cows, horses, donkeys and geese, ducks have right of way.  We found a grey pony having dinner.  
 On the way back to the B&B we passed the local garage, or should I say, local car sales office.  Now if you want to enter, you must wear a shirt!  Perhaps the photos will give an indication of what they had on offer.

Beaulieu Palace
Some of the locals

  We drove home, and believe it or not these three donkeys followed.  I got out to take a photo, and then they chased me up the drive! I didn't know if they would bite or kick, but it seems that some people feed them, as we saw a little later, and they must have thought I had food!

Before they decided to run a bit faster!


  1. Lovely B & B. The birds are Pheasants!

  2. Pleased to see you traded your car for a Porsche!
